
Now David Contreras tells us about his movie "Zohe":

I like stories in general, in any genre.

Science Fiction

The science fiction is beautiful and exciting. With science fiction, I can play, invent, devising fantastic stories and unusual characters; including, in some cases without giving any justification for their way of being or acting in particular. On the other hand, I feel that the genre of science fiction makes possible to speculate about parallel realities or ways of how it could be our world and universe and thus certainly social behavior.

Zohe, precisely, is the story of an ordinary man fighting for his freedom and love, after the great universal cataclysm.

We used the Canon 7D. Never before I had worked with Full HD, so it was a real pleasure to see that quality and sharpness in each of these scenes.

Zohe was supported by the government of my country, as well as many public and private companies decided to join, in order that Zohe will come alive. But achieving resources was not easy, because it has been a long and complex project.

Undoubtedly, over all these years of trip I learned many things. One of these lessons is in the area of creativity and improvisation. Often when things happen the way you not want, but they do happen, either because of lack of resources, delays in weather or some other unforeseen, one should look for effective responses at high speed to rectify this situation. There were times during the shooting I had to change entire scenes, especially, shorten them. And with actors, all technical equipment in the field and in just a couple of minutes, I had to look at the environment and find a new way to have that scene. In some cases I began to use white sheets, assuming you would have to draw scenes so fast on set. And as for mistakes made in previous shootings I could cite the lack of planning. I think this time, despite the many adversities, we were good and positive step, and every minute we made the most work.

So I would like to conclude by quoting a premise of personal life, which I value greatly: "Life is short, we are passing here on Planet Earth".

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