El Sol

Ciencia Ficcion Argentina

Now Ayar Blasco tell us about his movie "El Sol":

All the backstage was an anecdote. With El Sol, I wanted to watch an apocalyptic movie that wasn't necessarily of action and I chose characters that were similar to my friends, because I had them in mind. I didn’t make it thinking in something commercial, so anything that might happen with the movie will surprise me gratefully. We made it in Adobe Flash and took us 7 years, because we took it very calmed (too much, maybe!). I first developed the script with the help of Hubert Bals Fund. Then we received the help of INCAA (the Institute of Film in Argentina). But basically, it was the support of all the people involved in the making of the movie. 

The result of this movie encourages me to make another movie sooner. I learned a lot and that will help me in the future.

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